Bleach TYBW’s Next Episode Could Have Another Epic Anime-Only Fight

3 meses atrásem
This review contains spoilers for Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict, Episode 6, “The Holy Newborn.”
As the title of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War’s previous episode, “The Holy Newborn,” made clear, a new god and world have, indeed, been born. Emperor Yhwach is now effectively the ruler of all life. To add insult to injury, he rebuilt the Quincies’ kingdom from the remains of the Soul King’s palace. The surviving Gotei 13 officers and Ichigo Kurosaki’s party weren’t just too late to stop Yhwach’s ascension to godhood; they were powerless to even do anything about it. In fact, they arrived just in time to see Yhwach cement his dominion over all.
It may have taken two episodes, but The Conflict is now done setting up the stage for the final war between the Soul Reapers and Quincies. This is what happened in the manga, but there’s no reason for the anime to simply follow the original text. Part 3 -The Conflict’s next episode, “Gate of the Sun,” will show the first fight of the decisive war, and it could be one fans never saw coming. This isn’t just because the anime is unpredictable, but because the fight never happened in the manga.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3, Episode 7 Could Feature a New Anime-Only Fight
The Episode Could Fix One of the Manga’s Biggest Missed Opportunities
If the leaks and teasers for “Gate of the Sun” are true, then it seems like Lt. Renji Abarai is about to get a big fight against one of the elite Quincies. Some even theorized that his opponent would be none other than Uryu Ishida. Last week’s episode wasn’t even coy about this, as it ended with Renji reading that week’s teaser poem. The fact that his Zanpakuto, Zabimaru, was the accompanying visual all but confirmed that he’ll fight one of the Schutzstaffel in this week’s episode. And to be fair, even the opening credits foreshadowed this. The close-ups of Renji’s and Ishida’s eyes glowing with power and rage weren’t subtle. Besides the fact that Renji fans have every reason to be excited, what makes this significant is that The Conflict could be on track to fix one of the biggest mistakes of Thousand-Year Blood War’s manga.
Despite being one of Bleach’s most important characters, Renji was reduced to a background Soul Reaper during the biggest fight against the Schutzstaffel. After defeating Mask de Masculine and bonding a bit with Bazz-B, he barely did anything when the war moved from the Seireitei to the Wahrwelt. He was always visible in group shots, plus he still got in a line or two and even landed a few hits on enemy Quincies. But for the most part, Renji wasn’t as prominent as he was in Thousand-Year Blood War’s earlier chapters. This made the fact that he got a massive power-up (including a more powerful Bankai) from training with the Royal Guard feel like a waste of time to more jaded readers. To be fair, this was a direct result of Tite Kubo’s failing health and unrealistic editorial demands more than anything else. Renji’s cut material was a missed opportunity, not a lapse in quality on Kubo’s part.

Bleach TYBW Delivered The Franchise’s Best Fight Yet
Ichigo and Yhwach’s brief encounter early in Cour 3 is significantly more impressive and grand than fans may have realized.
Kubo and Pierrot Films repeatedly said that they used the anime adaptation of Thousand-Year Blood War – especially The Conflict – as their opportunity to address the manga’s biggest faults. This included everything from clearing up minor plot holes to writing new material. Examples of this include revealing who knocked out Rukia Kuchiki during the first wave of the Wandenreich’s invasion (it was Meninas McAllon), and everything about the Royal Guard’s defeat, respectively. Renji getting a new fight – and possibly one against someone he could call a friend, to boot – is one of the biggest instances of this positive change in action. Its closest comparison is obviously Ichigo’s and Ishida’s anime-only fight from the cour’s fourth episode. It wouldn’t be surprising if Renji’s coming duel is just as good or possibly even better than Ichigo’s brutal defeat at Ishida’s hands. What’s more, this bodes well for the rest of The Conflict and the chapters it will adapt. It’s unlikely that Renji’s fight will be the cour’s last new addition, which makes the next few episodes all the more exciting.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3, Episode 7 Will See the Beginning of the Final War
The Episode Marks the Beginning of the Real War
While Renji’s brand-new fight is obviously a big deal, this isn’t the only battle that will take place atop the Royal Palace’s frozen ruins. As was teased in The Conflict’s teaser material and both its opening and ending credits, the Gotei 13 and Ichigo’s party will be divided among the four members of the Schutzstaffel. The remaining Quincies are so powerful that it will take more than just one captain-class Soul Reaper to fight them, let alone survive the ordeal. Renji will most likely get his long overdue solo spotlight, but in between breaks and dramatic beats, “Gate of the Sun” could also set up the rest of the grand finale’s preliminary fights.
Without spoiling anything from the manga and only going by what was shown in The Conflict and its advertisements, everyone from the Gotei 13’s surviving captains to the remaining Espada and even the defecting Sternritters will get their own episodes to show off their fighting prowess. Either their fights could start as soon as this week, or fans will just have to wait a little bit longer for these characters to get their moment. Regardless of how the next episodes adapt the upcoming series of events, the coming fights are some of the most complex and interesting seen in all of Bleach. It will be amazing to see how Pierrot Films bringe these to life, and how they’ll improve upon Kubo’s promising if rushed ideas from the manga. As for Ichigo, he’ll most probably track down Yhwach again and try to finish what he started. The problem is that Ishida will obviously get in his way again, and Ichigo will be forced to make the impossible choice of killing his friend or not once more. Yhwach was right when he called out Ichigo’s refusal to kill his opponents, and Ichigo had better overcome his understandable hesitation or find a workaround sooner rather than later.

Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War Just Revealed Yhwach’s Weakness
Despite claiming the Almighty makes him impossible to beat, Yhwach has already shown the weaknesses in that ability.
The Conflict is now halfway done, but it only feels like the real battle for existence itself has just begun. This isn’t a slight against the anime, but rather a testament to just how much the stakes have changed and risen since the cour began. The situation was already pretty dire during The Conflict’s premiere, what with Yhwach and Ishida laying waste to the Royal Guard. But now, things are more apocalyptic than ever. Yhwach achieved his goal of usurping his father, the Soul King, and is now moments away from fully realizing his godhood. His royal guard is also ridiculously powerful, and the full extent of their might has yet to even be hinted at. The worlds of the living, the dead and those in between have never faced an existential threat as deadly as Yhwach. This, thankfully, doesn’t mean all hope is lost.
All of Bleach’s surviving fighters are now present on the final battlefield. Everyone’s chances of survival are equally slim, and nobody is even sure if they can return to their respective dimensions, assuming they make it out alive. Victory for the Soul Reapers and their allies means that life can continue as is, while defeat means the end of the world as they knew it. That said, none of them are going down without a fight. Renji’s coming anime-exclusive duel against one of the strongest Quincies will only be the beginning for what promises to be one of many intense penultimate battles that will take place before Ichigo and Yhwach face each other again. Many scores have to be settled, and new ones are about to be born. Things are about to get tougher for Bleach’s surviving characters, which means Bleach fans are in for a wild ride.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict airs new episodes on streaming every Saturday, 10:30 AM (EST). Part 1 – The Blood Warfare and Part 2 – The Separation are now available to watch and own physically and digitally.

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict
The peace is suddenly broken when warning sirens blare through the Soul Society. Residents are disappearing without a trace and nobody knows who’s behind it. Meanwhile, a darkness is approaching Ichigo and his friends in Karakura Town.
- Release Date
- October 10, 2022
- Cast
- Masakazu Morita , Johnny Yong Bosch , Takayuki Sugô , Richard Epcar , Ryûsei Nakao , Aleks Le , Karen Strassman , Neil Kaplan
- Story By
- Tite Kubo
- Writers
- Tite Kubo
- Network
- TV Tokyo
- Directors
- Tomohisa Taguchi , Mitsutoshi Satô , Hikaru Murata , Hodaka Kuramoto
- Showrunner
- Tite Kubo
Stampede na estação ferroviária de Nova Délhi mata pelo menos 18 pessoas | Religião

8 minutos atrásem
16 de fevereiro de 2025
Uma debandada em uma estação ferroviária em Nova Délhi, a Índia, matou pelo menos 18 pessoas e feriu dezenas mais. Milhares de passageiros se reuniram para embarcar em trens para o Kumbh Mela, a maior reunião religiosa do mundo.
Publicado em 16 de fevereiro de 202516 de fevereiro de 2025
Caramelo exigente só entra em casa se tutora ligar o ar-condicionado; vídeo

21 minutos atrásem
16 de fevereiro de 2025
O cachorro caramelo Joaquim, que vive com a tutora no Rio, só entra em casa com o ar-condicionado ligado. Eita folga! – Foto: @tobiasejoaquim/TikTok
Um cachorro caramelo virou sensação na internet após uma exigência inusitada: ele só entra em casa se a tutora ligar o ar-condicionado. Com esse calorão, não dá pra culpar o bichinho, né?
O vídeo, compartilhado pela tutora de Joaquim, Priscila Mendes, de Campo Grande, Zona Oeste do Rio, já foi assistido por mais de 300 mil pessoas desde o último dia 7. Nas imagens, o cãozinho exigente aparece na porta de casa, se recusando a entrar.
Priscila dá meia volta e vai até o quarto ligar o ar. Ela fecha a janela e volta até a porta, onde Joaquim estava sentado. Imediatamente o bonito levanta e vai direto deitar na cama. Se for pra ficar no calor é melhor ficar do lado de fora, né Joaquim?
Cachorro exigente
Com as temperaturas de 39º C, nem o cachorrinho aguentou tanto calor. “Vem, vem, vem”, chamou Priscila, mas nada do Joaquim se mover.
“Agora eu vou lá fechar o ar-condicionado. Fechar a janela e, vamos ver se o bonito não vai entrar”, completou a tutora.
E não é que ele entrou? Priscila não precisou nem chamar duas vezes, Joaquim já saiu em disparada!
Leia mais notícia boa
Subiu na cama
Detalhe, ele foi direto correndo para deitar na cama.
A tutora até tentou fazer o cachorrinho descer, mas ele fingiu que não era com ele.
“Desce, desce”. E o Joaquim ficou super de boa lá deitado. Eita bichinho folgado!
“Não aceito menos”
Nas redes, os internautas se divertiram com a exigência do caramelo.
“Ela: ‘Desce!/ Ele: “Vou fingir que não é comigo pra gente não se estressar”, disse um.
Já um segundo destacou o que se passava na cabeça do animal.
“Fique você no calor, bora ligar logo e para de palhaçada, que eu tô sem tempo já corri atrás de três motos, preciso dormir.”
Bichinhos e calor
Os bichinhos também sofrem com as altas temperaturas e, apesar de não conseguirem dizer que estão desconfortáveis em palavras, podem fazer isso por meio de sinais.
Segundo a médica veterinária Lorena Fassina, é preciso deixar sempre disponível para o pet, água abundante. Uma ótima dica é usar cubinhos de gelo na vasilha.
Outra maneira de aliviar o calor dos bichinhos é passar com eles apenas em horários frescos, antes das 10h ou depois das 16h.
Uma outra dica para refrescar os animais é oferecer sorvetes e picolés, mas cuidado que não pode ser qualquer um.
Os alimentos devem ser preparados em casa com frutas congeladas e iogurte sem açúcar e lactose.
Outra opção é o picolé de ração, feito com ração úmida.
Olha a folga do Joaquim. Ele quer sombra, água fresca e ar condicionado!
@tobiasejoaquim Só acredito vendo, eu vendo sem acreditar. Já aconteceu de eu chamar e ele me ignorar ou até fugir de mim, mas liguei o ar e em poucos segundos veio correndo. Ele já conhece o barulho. #calor #arcondicionado #rio40graus #cachorrocaramelo #srd #viralata ♬ som original – Tobias & Joaquim
Aurtuos israelenses, os ataques continuam através da Cisjordânia ocupada | Notícias ocupadas na Cisjordânia

39 minutos atrásem
16 de fevereiro de 2025
Alguns dos ataques foram por colonos israelenses apoiados por soldados.
As forças e colonos israelenses continuaram com seus ataques e ataques a civis em várias partes da Cisjordânia ocupada, com pelo menos cinco ataques no sábado e durante a noite.
Aqui está um detalhamento da situação:
- As forças israelenses invadiram a cidade de Al-Issawiya, perto de Jerusalém Oriental ocupada, desencadeando confrontos com seus moradores, segundo o prefeito da cidade, a agência de notícias palestina Wafa relata. Nenhuma lesão foi relatada.
- Os soldados israelenses apoiados por veículos militares invadiram Salfit, uma cidade perto de Jerusalém na Cisjordânia, antes de invadir a casa do ex -prisioneiro palestino Saeed Shtayeh e despejar sua família. Shtayeh havia sido libertado do cativeiro israelense no sábado, mas exilado, em vez de permissão para ir para casa.
- As forças israelenses invadiram a vila de Nabi Saleh perto de Ramallah, informou Wafa, citando os moradores dizendo que vários soldados israelenses se dispersaram pela cidade.
- As forças israelenses também invadiram a cidade de El-Bireh, perto de Ramallah, especificamente o bairro de Jabal Al-Tawil, e lançou bombas sonoras e gás lacrimogêneo para os moradores.
- Eles também montaram um posto de controle entre a vila de Harmala e a cidade de Tuqu, perto de Belém, interrompendo veículos, realizando buscas e disparando bombas de som em sua direção.
- O exército israelense enviou reforços ao campo de refugiados Nur Shams de Tulkarem, onde está conduzindo uma operação militar mortal e em larga escala contra o campo e seus moradores.
- As forças israelenses prenderam um jovem, Ahmed Fraseeni, da cidade de Arrabe, perto da cidade de Jenin, provocando confrontos, e invadiram a vila vizinha de Bir al-Basha. Jenin testemunhou um ataque mortal e um cerco pelas forças israelenses nas últimas semanas que até agora mataram cerca de 25 palestinos.
- As forças israelenses também detiveram duas crianças palestinas durante os ataques. Os meninos foram identificados como Ubade Gassan Azim e Zaid Nur Ferhat, que foram retirados das aldeias de Qusra e Qaryut ao sul de Nablus. Os soldados israelenses costumam reunir meninos palestinos.
- Soldados israelenses agrediram um homem palestino de 36 anos na cidade de Qalqilya, resultando em sua hospitalização.
- Os colonos judeus, apoiados por soldados israelenses armados, atacaram um grupo de palestinos na cidade de Surif perto de Hebron, informou o WAFA, citando fontes locais e médicas. Os colonos do assentamento ilegal de pecado – construído em terras ocupadas na Cisjordânia – arremessou pedras nos palestinos, ferindo pelo menos um na cabeça e resultando em sua hospitalização.
- Os colonos também atacaram um homem palestino em seu veículo perto de Belém, ferindo -o nos olhos depois de esmagar as janelas do carro em que ele estava.
- Anteriormente, os ataques dos colonos foram relatados na região de Wadi al-Faw, na vila de Jalud, perto de Nablus, e a vila de Umm Safa, perto de Ramallah. Em Jalud e Umm Safa, os colonos implantaram fogo ao vivo. Não houve relatos de lesões.
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