Undoing the ‘deep state’ means Trump would undo over a century of progress in building a federal government for the people and not just for rich white men



Undoing the ‘deep state’ means Trump would undo over a century of progress in building a federal government for the people and not just for rich white men

If elected, Donald Trump has vowed to demolish what he calls the “deep state” – a conspiratorial term for the American federal bureaucracy. A second Trump administration, running mate JD Vance has said, should fire thousands of civil servants and replace them with MAGA loyalists.

Trump has said he would tap the billionare Elon Musk as the hatchet man to lead his proposed government commission on “efficiency” in government.

Compared with the other fireworks of the campaign – like Trump’s promise to criminally prosecute his political rivals and suppress news organizations – threats to gut the United States’ vast federal bureaucracy don’t get much attention. But doing so is a big a threat to democracy.

For years, conservatives have claimed that taking power from government agencies gives it back to the people. Yet while it might seem counterintuitive, Americans actually exercise their sovereignty through the administrative state.

The American administrative state was established almost 100 years ago by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As a historian of American democracy, I think it’s valuable to remember what the old deal looked like while Trump rails against the New Deal.

The Gilded Age

Around 1900, America was not really democratic. The federal government did not rule by the consent of the governed. As historian Heather Cox Richardson recently argued, the American government was an oligarchy.

Millions of working-class Slavs, Jews, Italians, Asians and Scotch-Irish Appalachians toiled mercilessly in death-trap sweatshops, suffocating mines and fiery steel mills. Cotton farmers in the Black Belt lived like peons.

These people were America’s “other half,” as the social reformer Jacob Riis called them in 1890. And they were effectively excluded from the social contract.

Meanwhile, for rich white men like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller it was, as Mark Twain quipped, a “Gilded Age.” Robber barons ran their industrial empires with impunity.

When their employees tried to organize or protest, industrialists got sheriffs and police to suppress them. Or they hired private armies of “detectives,” like the Pinkertons, as Carnegie did when steelworkers struck in Homestead, Pennsylvania.

Governors called in the National Guard, as Ephraim Morgan did in 1921 to suppress a labor dispute in West Virginia. Sometimes, it was the regular Army, as in 1919, when soldiers from Camp Pike propped up the peonage system of tenant farming by indiscriminately machine-gunning Black farmers hiding in the woods outside Elaine, Arkansas.

People line up to identify the bodies after a fire in 1911 at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City killed 146 workers. The disaster drew attention to poor working conditions in the city’s sweatshops.
Hulton Archive/Getty Images

‘We stand at Armageddon’

Forced by popular clamor, Congress decided to act.

It created the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887 and told its commissioners to compel railroads, which were gouging some customers and favoring others, to charge fair rates to everyone.

This was the start of federal regulation.

In 1895, the New York Legislature passed the Bakeshop Act, making it illegal to force an employee to work more than 10 hours a day or 60 hours a week.

The Supreme Court, however, was still friendly to business. In its 1905 decision in Lochner v. New York, the court ruled against the Bakeshop Act. No one could regulate the workday or work week. The decision stripped Congress and state legislatures of their nascent regulatory powers. That enraged President Teddy Roosevelt.

“(T)he right of the people to rule,” Roosevelt later thundered, had been usurped by the corporations. With apocalyptic fury he predicted, “We stand at Armageddon!”

That was in 1912. The Lochner era, as historians call this period when workers and the public had few protections from exploitative businesses, lasted another 20 years.

Then, in 1929, the U.S. economy collapsed.

One-quarter of Americans had no work. Starving and desperate migrants wandered across the country. An army of veterans marched on Washington.

The apocalyptic misery of the Great Depression finally made American oligarchy untenable.

Liberal democracy

In 1932, the people rewrote the social contract: They elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal in a landslide.

It was, in essence, a revolution. After nearly 60 years of corporate domination, the 1932 election would “return America to its own people,” to use Roosevelt’s words.

Of course, it was not really a “return.” In the precorporation world, most Americans – notably women and Black people – couldn’t participate in their own government. But 1932 was a giant step toward democracy. And the great innovation that would usher in this modern, liberal democracy was the administrative state: a meritocracy of career civil servants dedicated to carrying out the law.

Have you ever wondered why a green light means “go” in every state? In 1935, the Bureau of Public Roads – now the Federal Highway Administration – wrote and enforced its first Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.

That’s the administrative state in action. It’s how 122 million people cooperated to make complex, modern society work – without surrendering their sovereignty to some dictator like Benito Mussolini or Josef Stalin.

Dozens of men walk along trail in a forest.
Civilian Conservation Corps recruits arrive to set up a reforestation work camp at Fort Valley, Va., on April 18, 1933.
Photo by New York Times Co./Getty Images

But the Supreme Court kept striking down New Deal laws and regulations.

After a massive electoral victory in 1936, FDR threatened to “pack” the court by raising the number of justices from nine to 15. Finally, the court relented. In a 5-4 decision, it allowed the state of Washington’s Industrial Welfare Committee to establish a minimum wage – $14.50 for a 48-hour work week.

Most history textbooks don’t mention this milestone, but that’s when liberal democracy was secured.

To be sure, it would take almost 30 more years before the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s brought democracy to the Jim Crow South. But even that victory depended on the Justice Department’s power to regulate elections in historically white supremacist states.

The administrative state has been protecting the rights of ordinary Americans and executing the sovereignty of the people for the past 87 years.

Who grounded Boeing airplanes when a door blew off a 737 in midflight? It was civil servants in the Federal Aviation Administration, a government agency founded by Congress in 1958 “to regulate civil aviation.”

Why does the U.S. have cleaner air and water today than it did in the 1960s? Because in 1970, Congress passed the Clean Air Act, and a new Environmental Protection Agency was empowered to write and perpetually rewrite regulations that execute Congress’ antipollution laws.

The alternative

This system produces the occasional injustice or overreach.

A farmer’s puddling acre, for example, might be overregulated as a “wetland.” A fishing company might be ordered to maintain a government-appointed herring counter at a cost of $710 a day.

But gutting regulatory agencies and replacing a meritocratic bureaucracy with MAGA loyalists won’t help small farmers or family-owned fishing boats. It will empower big corporations to pollute, exploit their workers, price-gouge customers, cut corners on safety – and to corrupt the political system.

It’s also illegal. Congress has deliberately protected those bureaucrats from the volatility of presidential politics.

Unlike presidential appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president, civil servants work for the people. They are empowered by Congress, and the president cannot fire them. At least for now.

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Aurtuos israelenses, os ataques continuam através da Cisjordânia ocupada | Notícias ocupadas na Cisjordânia



Aurtuos israelenses, os ataques continuam através da Cisjordânia ocupada | Notícias ocupadas na Cisjordânia

Alguns dos ataques foram por colonos israelenses apoiados por soldados.

As forças e colonos israelenses continuaram com seus ataques e ataques a civis em várias partes da Cisjordânia ocupada, com pelo menos cinco ataques no sábado e durante a noite.

Aqui está um detalhamento da situação:


  • As forças israelenses invadiram a cidade de Al-Issawiya, perto de Jerusalém Oriental ocupada, desencadeando confrontos com seus moradores, segundo o prefeito da cidade, a agência de notícias palestina Wafa relata. Nenhuma lesão foi relatada.
  • Os soldados israelenses apoiados por veículos militares invadiram Salfit, uma cidade perto de Jerusalém na Cisjordânia, antes de invadir a casa do ex -prisioneiro palestino Saeed Shtayeh e despejar sua família. Shtayeh havia sido libertado do cativeiro israelense no sábado, mas exilado, em vez de permissão para ir para casa.
  • As forças israelenses invadiram a vila de Nabi Saleh perto de Ramallah, informou Wafa, citando os moradores dizendo que vários soldados israelenses se dispersaram pela cidade.
  • As forças israelenses também invadiram a cidade de El-Bireh, perto de Ramallah, especificamente o bairro de Jabal Al-Tawil, e lançou bombas sonoras e gás lacrimogêneo para os moradores.
  • Eles também montaram um posto de controle entre a vila de Harmala e a cidade de Tuqu, perto de Belém, interrompendo veículos, realizando buscas e disparando bombas de som em sua direção.
  • O exército israelense enviou reforços ao campo de refugiados Nur Shams de Tulkarem, onde está conduzindo uma operação militar mortal e em larga escala contra o campo e seus moradores.


  • As forças israelenses prenderam um jovem, Ahmed Fraseeni, da cidade de Arrabe, perto da cidade de Jenin, provocando confrontos, e invadiram a vila vizinha de Bir al-Basha. Jenin testemunhou um ataque mortal e um cerco pelas forças israelenses nas últimas semanas que até agora mataram cerca de 25 palestinos.
  • As forças israelenses também detiveram duas crianças palestinas durante os ataques. Os meninos foram identificados como Ubade Gassan Azim e Zaid Nur Ferhat, que foram retirados das aldeias de Qusra e Qaryut ao sul de Nablus. Os soldados israelenses costumam reunir meninos palestinos.


  • Soldados israelenses agrediram um homem palestino de 36 anos na cidade de Qalqilya, resultando em sua hospitalização.
  • Os colonos judeus, apoiados por soldados israelenses armados, atacaram um grupo de palestinos na cidade de Surif perto de Hebron, informou o WAFA, citando fontes locais e médicas. Os colonos do assentamento ilegal de pecado – construído em terras ocupadas na Cisjordânia – arremessou pedras nos palestinos, ferindo pelo menos um na cabeça e resultando em sua hospitalização.
  • Os colonos também atacaram um homem palestino em seu veículo perto de Belém, ferindo -o nos olhos depois de esmagar as janelas do carro em que ele estava.
  • Anteriormente, os ataques dos colonos foram relatados na região de Wadi al-Faw, na vila de Jalud, perto de Nablus, e a vila de Umm Safa, perto de Ramallah. Em Jalud e Umm Safa, os colonos implantaram fogo ao vivo. Não houve relatos de lesões.

Leia Mais: Aljazeera

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Fernanda Torres é capa da revista The Hollywood Reporter, nos EUA; “já ganhou”



Alexandre, este jovem autista, gabaritou na prova de matemática no Enem e conseguiu vagas em medicina. - Foto: Danilo Verpa/Folhapress

Simplesmente demais! Com a manchete “Já ganhou”, a atriz Fernanda Torres é capa da revista The Hollywood Reporter, principal publicação sobre cinema nos EUA. Ela participou de uma linda sessão de fotos. Com charme, distribuiu sorrisos e fez poses. Mas, sobretudo, ressaltou a importância da indicação do filme falado em português e sobre um tema tão sensível.

Fernanda Torres, mais uma vez, esbanjou simpatia em uma entrevista gravada e disponível no on-line. Para a revista, ela falou sobre o significado político e social do filme “Ainda Estou Aqui”. Também reiterou que a arte faz parte da sua vida desde sempre por vir de uma família de atores.

Na entrevista, a atriz conta que, no Brasil, o filme foi assistido por mais de 4 milhões de pessoas, entre adultos e jovens, porque também trata de uma história de família. E disse o quanto o diretor Walter Salles teve cuidado para dirigir o longa, considerando que se tratava de um tema tão delicado.

“Já ganhou”

Na versão impressa da revista, a manchete que vem abaixo do nome de Fernanda Torres é “já ganhou”. Mas, cuidadosa, a atriz não se colocou como vencedora, em momento algum da entrevista, optou por falar do trabalho de construção da personagem Eunice Paiva. Trechos da entrevista podem ser vistos aqui.

“Uma mulher extraordinária. Isso tudo se deve a ela”, reiterou a artista, recordando que Eunice Paiva era uma mãe de família, de classe média, e que de repente teve de reinventar para sustentar os cincos filhos, fez faculdade de Direito e se transformou numa grande advogada.

A luta de Eunice Paiva é que conseguiu o atestado de óbito do marido Rubens, sequestrado e morto durante a ditadura militar dos anos 1970. Agora, o filme trouxe o debate de volta ao Brasil e possibilitou, por exemplo, a correção no atestado, informando que foi “morte violenta” causada “pelo Estado brasileiro”.

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Cerimônia do Oscar

A cerimônia do Oscar está marcada para o dia 2 de março, será transmitida pela TV Globo, à noite, e também pela TNT, canal fechado.

O filme “Ainda Estou Aqui” está com três indicações: Melhor Atriz; Melhor Diretor; Melhor Filme em língua não Inglesa”.

Como a solenidade ocorrerá em pleno Carnaval, o longa já virou tema da festa.

Há máscaras, camisetas e estatuetas reproduzidas do Oscar à venda em todo país.

Para nós, “já ganhou”!

Com simpatia e muita presença, Fernanda Torres fala sobre arte, política e questões sociais na entrevista à revista "The Hollywood". Foto: The Hollywood Com simpatia e muita presença, Fernanda Torres fala sobre arte, política e questões sociais na entrevista à revista The Hollywood Reporter. – Foto: The Hollywood

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Vídeo: Manifestantes em todo o mundo condenam o plano de “aquisição” de Trump para Gaza



Vídeo: Manifestantes em todo o mundo condenam o plano de "aquisição" de Trump para Gaza

Manifestantes de cidades de todo o mundo estão protestando contra o plano de “aquisição” do presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, para Gaza.

Leia Mais: Aljazeera

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