Angelina Jolie’s rarely seen son Knox looks like a young Brad Pitt as he towers over her at Governors Awards 2024



Angelina Jolie looked every inch the proud mom as she beamed alongside her son, Knox Jolie-Pitt, at the Governors Ball on Sunday

Angelina Jolie looked every inch the proud mom as she beamed alongside her son, Knox Jolie-Pitt, at the Governors Awards on Sunday. 

The Oscar-winning actress, 48, and her handsome 16-year-old son—whom she shares with ex Brad Pitt—took over the red carpet at the Ray Dolby Ballroom, effortlessly commanding attention with their striking style.

Jolie dazzled in a shimmering gold-and-silver sleeveless gown, radiating Hollywood glamour, while oversized diamond earrings and a matching necklace added the perfect touch of sparkle. 

Her newly lightened locks were swept into a chic bun, and she shared an easy laugh with Knox, who looked dashing in a tuxedo.

As the duo posed for photos, Knox, towering over his mom with a striking resemblance to his matinee idol father, made a memorable grand entrance. 

Notably absent were his siblings—Maddox (22), Pax (20), Zahara (19), Shiloh (17), and Knox’s twin, Vivienne—making it a rare mother-son moment at the star-studded event.

Angelina Jolie looked every inch the proud mom as she beamed alongside her son, Knox Jolie-Pitt, at the Governors Ball on Sunday

The Oscar-winning actress, 48, and her handsome 16-year-old son—whom she shares with ex Brad Pitt—took over the red carpet at the Ray Dolby Ballroom, effortlessly commanding attention with their striking style.

The Oscar-winning actress, 48, and her handsome 16-year-old son—whom she shares with ex Brad Pitt—took over the red carpet at the Ray Dolby Ballroom, effortlessly commanding attention with their striking style.

Knox held a striking resemblance to Brad

Brad in 2004 with Jennifer Aniston

Knox held a striking resemblance to Brad, seen on right in 2004 with Jennifer Aniston

The pair mingled with a who’s who of Hollywood, including Pamela Anderson, Demi Moore, Nicole Kidman, and Elizabeth Olsen, among many others.

The event, put on by the film academy´s board of governors, is honoring the late Quincy Jones, James Bond producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, filmmaker Richard Curtis and casting director Juliet Taylor. 

Angelina’s outing comes as the actress continues to promote her latest film Maria, a biopic about opera legend Maria Callas, which is already generating Oscar buzz. 

Maria, which depicts Callas during her final decline in Paris in the 1970s, was helmed by Jackie director Pablo Larrain.

Fans have called for the actress to get an Oscar with one writing: ‘Holy s**t I f**king can’t wait to see this movie!!! Seriously I know I’m going to be blown away by Angelina Jolie’s performance as Maria. The Oscar is coming for her.’

Another pleaded with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science to just ‘give Angelina the Oscar already for her interpretation as Maria Callas.’ 

A third, who admitted they hadn’t even watched the trailer, joked they were already planning on ‘running the Angelina Jolie Oscar campaign.’ 

‘The Maria trailer is so beautiful. I’ve seen enough, give Angelina Jolie the Oscar already,’ a fourth tweeted. 

Angelina proudly held onto the arm of her son

Angelina proudly held onto the arm of her son 

Knox smiled during the rare red carpet outing

Knox smiled during the rare red carpet outing

Knox certainly seemed in good spirits

Knox certainly seemed in good spirits 

Notably absent were his siblings—Maddox (22), Pax (20), Zahara (19), Shiloh (17), and the twins, Vivienne and Knox—making it a rare mother-son moment at the star- studded event

Brad in 1991's Thelma & Louise

Notably absent were his siblings—Maddox (22), Pax (20), Zahara (19), Shiloh (17), and the twins, Vivienne and Knox—making it a rare mother-son moment at the star- studded event

Angelina looked every bit the proud mom

Angelina looked every bit the proud mom

As the duo posed for photos, Knox, towering over his mom with a striking resemblance to his matinee idol father, made a memorable grand entrance

Angelina and Brad in 2015

As the duo posed for photos, Knox, towering over his mom with a striking resemblance to his matinee idol father, made a memorable grand entrance;  (R: Angelina and Brad in 2015)

Notably absent were his siblings—Maddox (22), Pax (20), Zahara (19), Shiloh (17), and the twins, Vivienne and Knox—making it a rare mother-son moment at the star- studded event

Notably absent were his siblings—Maddox (22), Pax (20), Zahara (19), Shiloh (17), and the twins, Vivienne and Knox—making it a rare mother-son moment at the star- studded event

Angelina stared adoringly at her child

Angelina stared adoringly at her child

Angelina left no detail overlooked

Angelina left no detail overlooked

Angelina left no detail overlooked

She sported plenty of blinged out jewelry including massive necklace and dangling earrings

She sported plenty of blinged out jewelry including massive necklace and dangling earrings 

Maria, according to a synopsis, ‘follows the American-Greek soprano as she retreats to Paris after a glamorous and tumultuous life in the public eye.’

The film aims to ‘reimagines the legendary soprano in her final days as the diva reckons with her identity and life.’ 

She died in Paris in 1977 of a heart attack at age 53.

The highly anticipated movie will come out in theaters in November then stream on Netflix in December.

Netflix is set to release the film in U.S. theaters on November 27 before it debuts on the streaming platform on December 11. 

Previously, the mom-of-six won an Oscar the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role as Lisa Rowe, a diagnosed sociopath, in the 1999 psychological thriller Girl, Interrupted.

In 2008, she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Christine Collins in the mystery crime drama Changeling. 

She lost, however, to French actress, Marion Cotillard, who won for her leading role in La Vie en Rose. 

The mother-son duo were certainly ready for their close-up

The mother-son duo were certainly ready for their close-up

Jolie dazzled in a shimmering gold-and-silver sleeveless gown, radiating Hollywood glamour, while oversized diamond earrings and a matching necklace added the perfect touch of sparkle

Jolie dazzled in a shimmering gold-and-silver sleeveless gown, radiating Hollywood glamour, while oversized diamond earrings and a matching necklace added the perfect touch of sparkle

It remains uncertain where the rest of Knox's siblings are

It remains uncertain where the rest of Knox’s siblings are 

The two were all smiles for the occasion

The two were all smiles for the occasion

Jolie is halfway to EGOT status after winning her first Tony over the summer

Jolie is halfway to EGOT status after winning her first Tony over the summer 

Throughout her career, Jolie has taken home a number of awards, including three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and a Tony Award.

Jolie is halfway to EGOT status after winning her first Tony over the summer. 

The EGOT is one of the most prestigious clubs in all of US showbiz and there are dozens of stars who are just one award from achieving the prestigious title. 

The acronym stands for Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards and is the designation given to people who have won all four of the major American performing awards.

Jolie just needs to earn an Emmy and Grammy in order to achieve the feat, which has only been earned by 21 people. 

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Fernanda Torres é capa da revista The Hollywood Reporter, nos EUA; “já ganhou”



Alexandre, este jovem autista, gabaritou na prova de matemática no Enem e conseguiu vagas em medicina. - Foto: Danilo Verpa/Folhapress

Simplesmente demais! Com a manchete “Já ganhou”, a atriz Fernanda Torres é capa da revista The Hollywood Reporter, principal publicação sobre cinema nos EUA. Ela participou de uma linda sessão de fotos. Com charme, distribuiu sorrisos e fez poses. Mas, sobretudo, ressaltou a importância da indicação do filme falado em português e sobre um tema tão sensível.

Fernanda Torres, mais uma vez, esbanjou simpatia em uma entrevista gravada e disponível no on-line. Para a revista, ela falou sobre o significado político e social do filme “Ainda Estou Aqui”. Também reiterou que a arte faz parte da sua vida desde sempre por vir de uma família de atores.

Na entrevista, a atriz conta que, no Brasil, o filme foi assistido por mais de 4 milhões de pessoas, entre adultos e jovens, porque também trata de uma história de família. E disse o quanto o diretor Walter Salles teve cuidado para dirigir o longa, considerando que se tratava de um tema tão delicado.

“Já ganhou”

Na versão impressa da revista, a manchete que vem abaixo do nome de Fernanda Torres é “já ganhou”. Mas, cuidadosa, a atriz não se colocou como vencedora, em momento algum da entrevista, optou por falar do trabalho de construção da personagem Eunice Paiva. Trechos da entrevista podem ser vistos aqui.

“Uma mulher extraordinária. Isso tudo se deve a ela”, reiterou a artista, recordando que Eunice Paiva era uma mãe de família, de classe média, e que de repente teve de reinventar para sustentar os cincos filhos, fez faculdade de Direito e se transformou numa grande advogada.

A luta de Eunice Paiva é que conseguiu o atestado de óbito do marido Rubens, sequestrado e morto durante a ditadura militar dos anos 1970. Agora, o filme trouxe o debate de volta ao Brasil e possibilitou, por exemplo, a correção no atestado, informando que foi “morte violenta” causada “pelo Estado brasileiro”.

Leia mais notícia boa

Cerimônia do Oscar

A cerimônia do Oscar está marcada para o dia 2 de março, será transmitida pela TV Globo, à noite, e também pela TNT, canal fechado.

O filme “Ainda Estou Aqui” está com três indicações: Melhor Atriz; Melhor Diretor; Melhor Filme em língua não Inglesa”.

Como a solenidade ocorrerá em pleno Carnaval, o longa já virou tema da festa.

Há máscaras, camisetas e estatuetas reproduzidas do Oscar à venda em todo país.

Para nós, “já ganhou”!

Com simpatia e muita presença, Fernanda Torres fala sobre arte, política e questões sociais na entrevista à revista "The Hollywood". Foto: The Hollywood Com simpatia e muita presença, Fernanda Torres fala sobre arte, política e questões sociais na entrevista à revista The Hollywood Reporter. – Foto: The Hollywood

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Vídeo: Manifestantes em todo o mundo condenam o plano de "aquisição" de Trump para Gaza

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AUTRIA ENCANTE ‘ATTACE ISLAMISTO’, diz o ministro do Interior – DW – 16/02/2025



AUTRIA ENCANTE 'ATTACE ISLAMISTO', diz o ministro do Interior - DW - 16/02/2025

O agressor de um ataque de faca no austríaco A cidade de Villach foi radicalizada on-line e tinha vínculos com o chamado grupo “Estado Islâmico”, disse o ministro do Interior da Áustria.

O suspeito sírio, que Começou aleatoriamente a atacar transeuntes Com uma faca no sábado, foi um “atacante islâmico”, disse o ministro do Interior, Gerhard Karner, no domingo. O ataque deixou um adolescente matado e causou cinco outros ferimentos.

“É um ataque islâmico com as conexões”, disse Karner a repórteres, acrescentando que o suspeito foi radicalizado on -line “em um curto espaço de tempo”.

Esta é uma história em desenvolvimento. Atualize para atualizações.

Editado por: Alex Berry

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