Glee star claims Ryan Murphy didn’t remember her while working on Grotesquerie series



Former Glee star, Raven Goodwin, revealed that Ryan Murphy had 'forgotten' her when she reunited with the producer when she was cast in his latest FX series, Grotesquerie; seen earlier this month in Atlanta

A former Glee star revealed that Ryan Murphy had ‘forgotten’ her when she reunited with the producer when she was cast in his latest FX series, Grotesquerie.

Raven Goodwin, 32, notably portrayed the role of Sheila for three episodes during the third season of Glee – a show Murphy created which aired from 2009 through 2015.

During an interview with People on Tuesday, Goodwin discussed having the chance to work with Ryan once again on the thriller series, which also starred Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce.

When asked by the outlet if the television writer had remembered her, Raven admitted, ‘Ryan had forgotten!’

‘It’s been so long since Ryan did Glee – he had no idea I was on the show. He was like, “Nice to meet you.” I was like, “All right, bet.”‘

However, she gushed about the show – which aired the final episode of the first season late last month on October 30.

Former Glee star, Raven Goodwin, revealed that Ryan Murphy had ‘forgotten’ her when she reunited with the producer when she was cast in his latest FX series, Grotesquerie; seen earlier this month in Atlanta 

‘Seriously, I was so excited to be a part of the Ryan Murphy universe simply because I am [an] actual fan. Like I really do watch his work. Every time he puts something out, I’m watching it.’ 

Aside from Glee and Grotesquerie, the director is known for creating and producing a number of other projects including Scream Queens, American Horror Story, Nip/Tuck, Doctor Odyssey and Monster. 

Raven added, ‘And for me to love the [Grotesquerie] script as much as I did, like, they did their thing – like the writers are incredible.’ 

‘They have incredible minds and so to kind of execute whatever they had in mind and to do it and make everybody happy and to get the job done the way I was supposed to get it done…’

‘It meant a lot…So I’m excited. You know, I hope we can do more,’ the Good Luck Charlie actress continued. 

Travis Kelce – who is also a tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs – took on the role of Ed Laclan in the show. 

In regards to working with the NFL star, Goodwin explained to the outlet, ‘It’s always funny to see people who haven’t really been in the world come on set.’

‘And they’re like, “Oh, it’s another angle. Oh, we got to wait 10 more hours for this one thing. Oh, okay.”‘ 

When asked by the outlet if the television writer had remembered her, Raven admitted, 'Ryan had forgotten!'; seen in 2019 in NYC

When asked by the outlet if the television writer had remembered her, Raven admitted, ‘Ryan had forgotten!’; seen in 2019 in NYC 

'Seriously, I was so excited to be a part of the Ryan Murphy universe simply because I am [an] actual fan. Like I really do watch his work. Every time he puts something out, I'm watching it,' Goodwin said; seen above in Grotesquerie

‘Seriously, I was so excited to be a part of the Ryan Murphy universe simply because I am [an] actual fan. Like I really do watch his work. Every time he puts something out, I’m watching it,’ Goodwin said; seen above in Grotesquerie 

‘It’s just so funny seeing how they kind of conceptualize what’s going on around them because we get paid to wait – we don’t get paid to act. So I think they forget about that part.’

Raven added that Travis was ‘super cool. You know, everything moved kind of fast and, you know, we got him out as soon as we could, but our days are long.’ 

Other stars that appeared in the first season of Grotesquerie included Niecy Nash-Betts, Courtney B. Vance, Lesley Manville and Nicholas Alexander Chavez. 

Goodwin played the character of Merritt Tryon – the onscreen daughter of Nash-Betts, who portrayed Lois Tryon. 

The premise followed, ‘A detective and a nun investigate a series of heinous crimes that seem personal, while grappling with personal issues and uncovering a sinister web that raises more questions than answers,’ per IMDB.   

While talking to People, Raven recalled the surreal experience of filming a scene with both Travis and Niecy. 

‘All of our experiences and career choices and paths just kind of meeting up. And it was just kind of like, “Okay, we’re doing this.” But it was refreshing. It was fun. They both were absolutely breathtakingly good.’ 

The star added, ‘It was such a cool day. It was just like a cool day. It just felt like I was in a twilight zone. Like, what is really happening with my career right now? This is so cool.’ 

In regards to working with the NFL star, Goodwin explained to the outlet, 'It's always funny to see people who haven't really been in the world come on set'; Kelce and Niecy seen on the FX series above

In regards to working with the NFL star, Goodwin explained to the outlet, ‘It’s always funny to see people who haven’t really been in the world come on set’; Kelce and Niecy seen on the FX series above 

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter last month in October, Raven further reflected on working with Kelce

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter last month in October, Raven further reflected on working with Kelce

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter last month in October, Raven further reflected on working on the series.

While filming the project, Raven – who recently starred in the BET+ holiday film Style Me For Christmas – was pregnant with her second child with Wiley Battle.

When asked if there were any difficulties to shoot the series while pregnant, Goodwin revealed, ‘No, whether you’re sitting at the house or at work, you’re going to be pregnant.’

‘So, I might as well push myself. I felt healthy. My doctors were telling me that I’m healthy and that I’m good.’

Raven continued, ‘So I made sure that I prayed every day and asked that we were covered and protected, but doing the job was no different.’ 

It comes shortly after fellow actress, Keke Palmer, recounted an incident in which Ryan Murphy, who co-created and produced Scream Queens, ‘ripped’ into her on set.

She detailed the experience in her upcoming memoir, Master Of Me: The Secret To Controlling Your Narrative, where she also shared a shocking racist incident that took place with an unnamed white co-star.

Palmer, who starred as Zayday Williams on the series for two seasons in 2015 and 2016, alleged Murphy, 59, called her out after she missed a day of shooting. 

‘It was kind of like I was in the dean’s office,’ she said while speaking to the Los Angeles Times. ‘He was like, “I’ve never seen you behave like this. I can’t believe that you, out of all people, would do something like this.”‘

When asked if there were any difficulties to shoot the series while pregnant, Goodwin revealed, 'No, whether you're sitting at the house or at work, you're going to be pregnant'

When asked if there were any difficulties to shoot the series while pregnant, Goodwin revealed, ‘No, whether you’re sitting at the house or at work, you’re going to be pregnant’

It comes after fellow actress, Keke Palmer, recounted an incident in which Ryan Murphy, who co-created and produced Scream Queens, 'ripped' into her on set; seen in May in NYC

It comes after fellow actress, Keke Palmer, recounted an incident in which Ryan Murphy, who co-created and produced Scream Queens, ‘ripped’ into her on set; seen in May in NYC 

Palmer said she apologized to the television producer and thought that everything was settled between them, but days later she spoke with one of her co-stars who didn’t have as rosy an interpretation of the conflict. 

It all started when Keke had scheduled an unspecified ‘business obligation’ for what was to be a day off on her Scream Queens shooting schedule. 

However, Palmer was later told by staff members on the series – seemingly at the last minute – that she had been rescheduled to shoot on what had previously been her day off.

Instead of canceling her plans, she skipped the day of shooting and instead took care of her prior obligation, though it’s unclear if she communicated that decision with the production.

That’s when she was called up by Murphy and reprimanded.

After she apologized, Keke told a female co-star that she thought she and Murphy were ‘cool,’ but her co-star said the situation was still ‘bad,’ which Palmer thought was an attempt to scare her straight. 

The Nope star added that early on her time on Scream Queens she had hoped to become one of Murphy’s regular stars, such as Emma Roberts, Sarah Paulson, Jessica Lange and Billie Lourd.

After she apologized, Keke told a female co-star that she thought she and Murphy were 'cool,' but her co-star said the situation was still 'bad,' which Palmer thought was an attempt to scare her straight; seen in 2018 in Beverly Hills

After she apologized, Keke told a female co-star that she thought she and Murphy were ‘cool,’ but her co-star said the situation was still ‘bad,’ which Palmer thought was an attempt to scare her straight; seen in 2018 in Beverly Hills 

However, after she skipped the rescheduled shooting date to focus on other obligations, she feared that Murphy had blacklisted her and would know longer cast her in other projects – though it’s unclear if the conflict between the two occurred on the first or second season of Scream Queens.

Palmer has not starred in a Murphy project since.

‘I’m still not sure Ryan cared, or got it, and that’s okay because he was just centering his business, which isn’t a problem to me,’ Palmer wrote in her book.

‘But what I do know is even if he didn’t care, and even if I never work with him again, he knows that I, too, see myself as a business.’

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Critics Choice: Ainda Estou Aqui perde filme internacional – 07/02/2025 – Ilustrada



Critics Choice: Ainda Estou Aqui perde filme internacional - 07/02/2025 - Ilustrada

Ainda Estou Aqui“, de Walter Salles, perdeu o Critics Choice de melhor filme internacional nesta sexta-feira (7). A premiação acontece em Santa Monica, nos Estados Unidos.

O longa-metragem com Fernanda Torres foi derrotado por “Emília Peréz”.

A votação da premiação aconteceu antes das controvérsias envolvendo a atriz Karla Sofía Gascón, protagonista da produção francesa, que teve uma série de publicações preconceituosas nas redes sociais revividas nos últimos dias.

Também concorriam na categoria de filme internacional o indiano “Tudo que Imaginamos Como Luz”, de Payal Kapadia; a animação letoniana “Flow”, de Glints Zilbalodis; o irlandês “Kneecap”, de Rich Peppiatt; e o alemão “A Semente do Fruto Sagrado”, do iraniano Mohammad Rasoulouf.

O Critics Choice é considerado um termômetro do Oscar, ainda que a sua base de votantes não coincida com a do prêmio da Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas —a premiação conta com jornalistas e críticos de cinema.

No Oscar, “Ainda Estou Aqui” concorre nas categorias de melhor filme, melhor filme internacional e melhor atriz, este último para Fernanda Torres.

Leia Mais: Folha

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O reinado de Bashar al-Assad ou a estratégia do caos



O reinado de Bashar al-Assad ou a estratégia do caos

Com a morte de Hafez al-Assad, em junho de 2000, pôsteres à imagem do Patriarca e de seus dois filhos mais velhos, Bassel, o herdeiro natural, desapareceu prematuramente em um acidente de carro em 1994, e Bashar, o sucessor por padrão, florescem nas paredes das grandes cidades da Síria. Os três grandes homens do clã al-Assad são apresentados, respectivamente, como “O chefe, o modelo e a esperança”. E, de fato, assim que Bashar estiver entronizado, um mês depois, a população, esgotada por trinta anos de ditadura, deve esperar.

Leia também Our Archive (2000) | Artigo reservado para nossos assinantes Assad L’Amplacable

O início do mandato é marcado por um iniciador de liberalização. Ao liberar várias centenas de prisioneiros políticos, incluindo a Irmandade Muçulmana e os comunistas, o novo presidente promulga leis que facilitam os investimentos particulares e o desenvolvimento do setor bancário.

Bashar al-Assad, que multiplica passeios na cidade sem guarda-costas, no braço de Sua esposa, Asma al-AkhrasPassado pelo JP Bank Morgan, parece determinado a encerrar o estatismo, o credo original do Partido Baas. Cara, a quem seu all-the-mundo vale o apelido de munição (“Tio”), até dá a impressão de querer colocar as reivindicações de Moukhabarat (Serviços de Segurança).

Presidente por acidente

Os salões de discussão eclodem nas grandes cidades, onde um sonha em voz alta da democracia. É a “primavera de Damasco”. Os intelectuais publicam petições exigindo o levantamento do estado de emergência, uma anistia geral e o estabelecimento de um estado de direito.

Você tem 86,83% deste artigo para ler. O restante é reservado para assinantes.

Leia Mais: Le Monde

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Trump e o primeiro -ministro japonês Ishiba Talk Tarifas e promete contra a “agressão” chinesa | Japão



Trump e o primeiro -ministro japonês Ishiba Talk Tarifas e promete contra a "agressão" chinesa | Japão

Agence France-Presse in Washington

O primeiro -ministro japonês, Shigeru Ishiba, e o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trumpfez um tom caloroso em seu primeiro encontro na sexta -feira, com Tóquio evitando tarifas que Trump deu um tapa em outros aliados – por enquanto.

Elogios um do outro na Casa Branca, os dois líderes se comprometeram a ficar juntos contra a “agressão” chinesa e disseram ter encontrado uma solução para um acordo bloqueado para o aço americano problemático.

Trump, no entanto, pressionou Ishiba a cortar o déficit comercial dos EUA com Japão zero, e avisou que Tóquio ainda poderia enfrentar tarifas sobre mercadorias exportadas se não o fizesse.

Ishiba, um fã de “Geek” e modelo de guerra, está sob pressão para replicar o relacionamento próximo de Trump com o ex -primeiro -ministro e colega de golfe Shinzo Abe.

Ambos os líderes insistiram que haviam atingido um relacionamento durante o que foi apenas a segunda visita de um líder estrangeiro do novo mandato de Trump.

“Fiquei tão empolgado ao ver uma celebridade na televisão pessoalmente”, disse Ishiba à conferência de imprensa conjunta, enquanto dizia que não estava tentando “sugar”.

“Na televisão, ele é assustador e tem uma personalidade muito forte. Mas quando me encontrei com ele, ele era muito sincero e muito poderoso. ”

Enquanto trocavam fotografias, Trump elogiou o premier japonês de 68 anos como “bonito”-normalmente uma das mais altas ordens de louvor da ex-estrela da TV.

E o presidente dos EUA riu e disse que “essa é uma resposta muito boa” quando Ishiba disse que não podia responder a uma “pergunta teórica” ​​sobre se ele retaliaria qualquer tarifas dos EUA.

Enquanto isso, Trump disse que o Nippon Steel do Japão faria um grande investimento em aço dos EUA, mas não assumia a empresa problemática como negociado anteriormente.

“Eles estarão olhando para um investimento em vez de uma compra”, disse Trump. Seu antecessor, Joe Biden, havia bloqueado o acordo.

Os dois líderes também dobraram nos laços dos EUA de décadas em segurança e comércio-apesar dos temores de que Trump pudesse ligar Tóquio, como ele tem com outros aliados dos EUA.

– Trump disse que eles concordaram em combater a “agressão econômica chinesa” e, em uma declaração conjunta, condenaram Pequim por “atividades provocativas” no sul contestado China Mar.

Eles também pediram uma Coréia do Norte desnuclearizada, embora Trump-que conhecesse seu líder, Kim Jong-un, durante seu primeiro mandato-disse que queria ter “relações” com Pyongyang.

Por trás das expressões de apoio de Trump estavam as promessas do Japão de um investimento de US $ 1TN nos EUA e para aumentar as compras japonesas de equipamentos de defesa dos EUA.

Ishiba disse que seu país era o maior investidor dos EUA e intensificaria seus gastos.

A Ishiba, fumando de fala mansa, correu para Washington, na esperança de derrubar a beira das políticas “America First” de Trump.

Sob Abe, o Japão foi protegido de algumas das tendências mais punitivas de Trump, como guerras comerciais repentinas e pressão para aumentar as contribuições financeiras para hospedar soldados dos EUA.

Dias após a primeira vitória das eleições de Trump, Abe se apressou para lhe dar um clube de golfe banhado a ouro. Trump também recebeu a viúva de Abe, Akie, para jantar em seu resort Mar-a-Lago na Flórida em dezembro.

Até agora, o presidente dos EUA deu um tapa na China e os ordenou no México e no Canadá antes de interromper por um mês.

Ele também prometeu tarifas na União Europeia e disse na sexta -feira que anunciaria “tarifas recíprocas” não especificadas na próxima semana.

Leia Mais: The Guardian

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