Spain’s PM orders thousands more troops and police to flood-hit Valencia

4 meses atrásem

Spain’s prime minister has ordered 5,000 more troops and 5,000 police officers and civil guards to the Valencia region as residents criticise local authorities over their response to catastrophic flooding.
Pedro Sánchez said 211 people have been confirmed dead, with the toll expected to rise further.
Heavy rains that began on Monday caused floods that destroyed bridges and covered towns with mud, cutting off communities and leaving them without water, food or electricity.
Sánchez said the deployment was Spain’s largest in peacetime, in response to one of the worst floods in Europe this century.
The prime minister said he was aware “the response that is being given is not enough” and acknowledged “severe problems and shortages”.
He said there are still “desperate people searching for their relatives. People who cannot access their homes. Homes destroyed and buried by mud. I know we have to do better.”
Weather warnings remain in force in north-eastern and southern Spain through Sunday, while another was issued in the Balearic Islands for Saturday.
Around 1,700 soldiers are already working on search and rescue operations in the Valencia region, although hope of finding more survivors is dwindling.
Part of the focus is on pumping water out of underground tunnels and car parks, where it is feared people were trapped as water surged in.
Paco Polit, a journalist in Valencia, told the BBC the new troops would bring in much needed heavy machinery, bulldozers, trucks, and help to improve the speed and organisation of the rescue efforts.
Sánchez said some places are still “suffering from lack of basic resources”.
He vowed that teams would work tirelessly until aid reaches everybody and people’s lives have returned to normality – and called for national unity.
Authorities have restored electricity to more than 90% of homes, and brought back almost half of telephone lines that had gone down, he added.
The government also authorised 100 interim civil servants to help distribute financial aid.

Local authorities are facing criticism over the speed of the response and for a lack of warnings in advance of the flooding.
Amparo Andres, who has owned her shop in Valencia for 40 years, told the BBC that at one point the water in the building reached her neck and she believed she was going to die.
“At least I’m alive, but I’ve lost everything. My business, my home,” she said.
“And the government isn’t doing anything. Only the young people around are helping us.”
The civil protection agency, overseen by the regional government, issued an emergency alert to the phones of people in and around the city of Valencia after 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT) on Tuesday, by which time the flood water was swiftly rising in many areas and in some cases already wreaking havoc.
Juan González, who lives in the town of Aldaia, said the area was prone to flash flooding.
“It’s outrageous that our local government didn’t do anything about it, knowing that this was coming,” he said.
In the devastated town of Paiporta, where more than 60 deaths have so far been reported, residents have expressed their frustration that aid is coming in too slowly.
Unsure whether it was safe to return to home, Amparo Esteve told the BBC: “No-one is helping us. I’ve never been in a war, but this is what it seems like.”
The federal government in Madrid is also facing criticism for not mobilising the army sooner than it did and for declining an offer from the French government to send 200 firefighters to help with search and rescue efforts.
Sánchez has vowed to do whatever it takes to help those affected by the disaster.
Volunteer clean-up efforts in Valencia – organised largely by young people on social media – saw columns of thousands of people march to the areas most affected by the flooding.
Organisers at the city’s Ciutat de les Arts museum said at least 15,000 volunteers arrived on Saturday morning alone to join recovery efforts there.
Desperate to help, Pedro Francisco, 16, told the BBC he had been waiting in line with his parents for four hours.
“We have to do whatever we can,” he said. “It’s just terrible to see what has happened.”
Also queuing was Oscar Martinez and his wife and son.
“I feel anger,” he said. “This was an avoidable tragedy. All the regional government needed to do was to give us the flood warnings in advance.”
On Friday, the local authorities said traffic would be limited in the Valencia metropolitan area between 00:00 local time on Saturday and 23:59 on Sunday.
Local head of infrastructure Martínez Mus said the move had been taken to ensure emergency services could use the roads freely and to guarantee the supply of water, energy, communications, and food distribution.

In response to looting, Sánchez said he would double the number of civil guard and national police on the streets, after more than 80 people were arrested.
Areas across the south – including Huelva and Cartaya – have also been hit by heavy rains, while hundreds of families in the city of Jerez have had to be evacuated from their homes.
One of the reasons the flooding has been so severe is a lack of rainfall during the rest of the year, which left the ground in many areas in the east and south unable to absorb rainwater efficiently.
The region of Chiva near Valencia saw as much rainfall in one eight-hour period on Tuesday as it would normally see in an entire year, according to state meteorological agency Aemet.
The warming climate is also likely to have contributed to the severity of the floods.
In a preliminary report, World Weather Attribution (WWA), a group of international scientists who investigate global warming’s role in extreme weather, estimated that the rainfall was 12% heavier than it would otherwise have been, and that such weather even itself was twice as likely.
Additional reporting by Christy Cooney and Bethany Bell
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Os EUA e seus aliados passam regularmente pelo Estreito de Taiwan de 180 km (112 milhas) para reforçar seu status de hidrovia internacional, irritando a China.
O navio Destruidor e Ocean Survey dos EUA viajou pelo Estreito a partir de segunda -feira, atraindo críticas das forças armadas da China, que disse que enviou o “sinal errado e aumento dos riscos de segurança”.
Os dados publicados pelo Ministério da Defesa de Taiwan mostraram que 62 aeronaves militares chinesas foram detectadas perto da ilha nas 48 horas até as 6h da quarta -feira (22:00 GMT na terça -feira), coincidindo com o trânsito dos navios dos EUA.
A última passagem de Washington pelo Estreito de Taiwan foi a primeira vez desde que o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, assumiu o cargo em janeiro.
Ele veio depois que Trump e o primeiro -ministro japonês Shigeru Ishiba disseram que “se opuseram a qualquer tentativa de alterar unilateralmente o status quo (no estreito de Taiwan) por força ou coerção”.
‘Diferenças cruzadas’ a serem resolvidas pacificamente
Os EUA, como a maioria dos países, não têm laços diplomáticos formais com Taiwan, mas é o seu mais forte patrocinador internacional e fornece ajuda militar à ilha para ajudá -la a manter suas capacidades de defesa.
Embora Trump tenha enervado Taiwan desde que assumiu o cargo com as críticas ao domínio de Taiwan em fazer semicondutores, seu governo também ofereceu fortes palavras de apoio.
O governo de Taiwan rejeita as reivindicações de soberania de Pequim sobre a ilha e diz que apenas o povo de Taiwan pode decidir seu futuro. Taiwan diz É um país independente chamado República da China.
Pequim descreve Taiwan como seu “núcleo de interesses centrais”, denunciando regularmente qualquer demonstração de apoio a Taipei de Washington.
Na quinta -feira, o Departamento de Estado dos EUA removeu um comunicado em seu site que afirmou que não suporta a independência de Taiwan.
Também foi adicionada uma referência à página da web sobre a cooperação de Taiwan com um projeto de desenvolvimento de tecnologia e semicondutores do Pentágono, e diz que os EUA apoiarão a participação de Taiwan a organizações internacionais “onde aplicável”.
“Nós nos opomos a quaisquer alterações unilaterais no status quo de ambos os lados”, diz o site do Departamento de Estado atualizado.
“Esperamos que as diferenças cruzadas sejam resolvidas por meios pacíficos, livres de coerção, de uma maneira aceitável para as pessoas de ambos os lados do estreito (de Taiwan)”.
O ministro das Relações Exteriores de Taiwan, Lin Chia-Lung, “recebeu o apoio e a posição positiva nas relações EUA-Taiwan demonstradas no conteúdo relevante” do site, informou seu ministério em comunicado neste domingo.
As mudanças no idioma foram relatadas pela primeira vez pela agência de notícias central oficial de Taiwan no domingo.
A redação na independência de Taiwan também foi removida em 2022 antes de ser restaurada um mês depois.
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