Is THAT Major Character Really Dead?



Is THAT Major Character Really Dead?

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Outer Banks season 4, part 2.

Outer Banks season 4, part 2 concludes the show’s penultimate installment, taking the Pogues to Morocco as they search for the Blue Crown, encounter several enemies, and reckon with shocking losses. Outer Banks season 4, part 1’s ending dropped the bombshell of JJ’s true identity, revealing him as the son of Chandler Groff and Larissa Genrette. This reveal led to a lot of big moments in Outer Banks season 4, part 2, with JJ and Groff uncovering their tumultuous relationship as the rest of Outer Banks‘ ensemble cast tries to save their home from the Kooks.

As JJ deteriorates into anti-social behavior, his relationship with Groff takes Outer Banks into its final season while Pope reckons with his future before committing to the Pogue life. As John B. and Sarah receive some big news, the Pogues reunite on a mission to Morocco to retrieve the Blue Crown, an artifact that could save their home and exonerate their alleged crimes should the treacherous Groff be captured. This adventure includes several big moments, setting up Outer Banks season 5’s story via lost treasure, deadly mercenaries, and a major character death that leads to the promise of revenge.

Does JJ Really Die In Outer Banks Season 4, Part 2?

Groff Stabs JJ, Signaling The End For A Major OBX Character

In the final scene of Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s feature-length ending, Chandler Groff returns after being trapped in a well by Rafe Cameron. Groff takes Kiara hostage, holding a knife at her neck. Trying to save his girlfriend, JJ convinces Groff to set her free. However, Groff then stabs JJ in the stomach in revenge for the latter and his friends leaving him in the aforementioned well. As Outer Banks season 4, part 2 ends, JJ dies with the Pogues holding a funeral to honor their friend.

JJ’s death surely means he does not follow in the footsteps of Ward Cameron and Big John Routledge by coming back from the dead in
Outer Banks
season 5…

Although Outer Banks has had the tendency to bring back previously believed-dead characters, it seems that this is the end for JJ. Several moments from Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending point to this, from the sad depiction of the Pogues mourning JJ to the funeral that was held for him. Rumors have circulated for a while that actor Rudy Pankow was gearing up to leave the show, and JJ’s death surely means he does not follow in the footsteps of Ward Cameron and Big John Routledge by coming back from the dead in Outer Banks season 5.

Outer Banks Season 4’s Treasure Hunt: Who Gets The Blue Crown & Season 5 Set-Up Explained

The Latest Treasure Hunt Will Extend Into Season 5’s Story

The primary focus of Outer Banks season 4 has been the hunt for the Blue Crown, a supposedly magical artifact linked to the history of Blackbeard the pirate and his many friends and enemies. Outer Banks season 4, part 2 takes the crew away from the titular OBX to North Africa. There, the Pogues hoped to find the Blue Crown, sell it to the right buyer, and use the money to save their new home, dubbed Poguelandia 2.0. However, to do so they had to reckon with the mercenary group called the Lupine Corsairs, as well as Chandler Groff.


All 8 Artifacts, Shipwrecks & Treasures The Pogues Hunt For In Outer Banks, Explained

From El Dorado to the Blue Crown, the Pogues are on the hunt in Outer Banks and searching for several artifacts based on real stories and myths.

After a series of road bumps, John B. and Sarah discover that the Blue Crown must rest within a statue located at the top of a hill around which the fictional Moroccan town of Agapenta is built. Taking the initiative, JJ climbs to the top of the statue, retrieving the Blue Crown and seemingly setting the Pogues up for a life of luxury and peace. Unfortunately, the resurgence of Groff leads JJ to the difficult decision of saving Kiara’s life. In order to do so, JJ gives Groff the Blue Crown, shortly before the latter stabs the former.

Groff tells Rafe that his buyer for the Blue Crown is in Lisbon, Portugal.

As of Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending, Groff has the Blue Crown and JJ is dead. This sets up Outer Banks season 5’s story; the Pogues are set to follow Groff to Lisbon, both as a means of retrieving – and subsequently selling – the Blue Crown and getting justice for JJ’s death. With Outer Banks season 5 set to be the show’s last entry, the confrontation with Groff and the fate of the Blue Crown will undoubtedly be the endgame of the hit Netflix show.

Rafe’s Character Change & What It Means For Outer Banks Season 5

A Former OBX Villain Turns Into A Reluctant Ally

In Outer Banks season 4, part 2, the Pogues find help from an unlikely source: Rafe. Rafe’s story up to this point has seen him oppose the Pogues regularly, yet Outer Banks season 4, part 2 sees their interests align. The deal Rafe struck with Hollis Robinson in Outer Banks season 4, part 1 was all part of Groff’s plan to secure Goat Island for himself. Rafe soon discovers this and vows to track down Groff to retrieve his money. This comes as the Pogues are shown fleeing the cops of the OBX.


How Accurate Netflix’s Outer Banks Is To The Real OBX & What The Show Gets Wrong

Netflix’s popular teen drama show Outer Banks is based on the North Carolina islands of the same name, but is the show an accurate representation?

Rafe and the Pogues work together to persuade Sheriff Shoupe to let them travel to Morocco under the condition that they bring back Groff, exonerating the Pogues, saving Shoupe’s job, and allowing Rafe to get his money back. As such, Rafe reluctantly joins the Pogues, eventually reconciling with Sarah. This turns Rafe into more of an antihero in Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending as he aids the Pogues in fighting off the Lupine Corsairs in the search for the Blue Crown.

Given that Groff escapes with the Blue Crown in Outer Banks season 4, it seems as though Rafe’s change will continue into season 5. It is Rafe who first floats the idea of the Pogues hunting down Groff for revenge. While this is likely rooted in Rafe’s own desire to get his money back from Groff, he was certainly helpful towards John B. and crew in Outer Banks season 4, parts 2’s ending, setting him up for another somewhat heroic role in the show’s final season.

John B. & Sarah’s Big Outer Banks Season 4 Twist Explained

Sarah & John B. Are Not Only Fighting For Themselves Now

One of the biggest reveals of Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s story is that Sarah is pregnant. This leads Sarah to be protected slightly more by the Pogues as they journey to Morocco, signifying a big change for season 5. Outer Banks season 5 will make it clear that Sarah’s safety is of the utmost importance now that she is pregnant, and also give John B. more reason to take the Blue Crown back from Groff in an attempt to give his growing family the home they deserve.

What Happened To Dalia, Lightner, & The Lupine Corsairs In Outer Banks Season 4, Part 2?

The Mercenaries Are Still Out There

Dalia from Outer Banks season 4 (2024)

The secondary antagonists of Outer Banks season 4, part 2 were the Lupine Corsairs, the mercenaries also tasked with finding the Blue Crown. As of Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending, their fate is somewhat unclear. Lightner, the main grunt of the group, was seemingly killed by Pope and Cleo as revenge for Terrence’s death. Regarding Dalia and the other men, however, they are not seen after JJ’s death, likely meaning they will return in Outer Banks season 5 as the hunt for the Blue Crown escalates.

The Real Meaning Of Outer Banks Season 4, Part 2’s Ending

JJ and Kie on a motorbike over the cast of Outer Banks
Custom image by Amanda Bruce

The ending monologue of Outer Banks season 4, part 2 sums up the real meaning of its ending. As JJ dies, John B. can be heard eulogizing for him, stating that his friend packed so much into only 20 years of life. John B. mentions that JJ is the best friend that any of the Pogues could have had, with the real meaning of Outer Banks season 4, part 2’s ending being gleaned from this. Overall, the show is about friendship but, more importantly, living life to the fullest, summed up by how John B. remembers JJ.

The Pogues are shown literally having to die to keep something as simple as their home…

Also, another element that the ending of Outer Banks season 4, part 2 explores links to the class divide that has been prevalent throughout the show. The Pogues are shown literally having to die to keep something as simple as their home, while the Kooks of the OBX show little regard for anyone deemed beneath them. Their wealth and the power that comes from it grants them anything, with the Pogues having to put themselves in danger to live freely. This will be further explored in Outer Banks season 5, as the final search for the Blue Crown gets underway.

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Como o clima ‘chicotada’ está causando inundações e incêndios – podcast | Ciência



Como o clima 'chicotada' está causando inundações e incêndios – podcast | Ciência

Presented and produced by Madeleine Finlay, sound design by Joel Cox, the executive producer is Ellie Bury

À medida que os incêndios florestais continuam a causar devastação em Los Angeles, Madeleine Finlay fala com Albert van Dijk, professor de ciência e gestão da água na Universidade Nacional Australiana, sobre como o aumento das temperaturas está a causar rápidas oscilações em condições meteorológicas extremas.

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Promotor de Hunter Biden castiga presidente por difamar o sistema de justiça | Notícias sobre crimes



Promotor de Hunter Biden castiga presidente por difamar o sistema de justiça | Notícias sobre crimes

O Conselheiro Especial David Weiss diz que as alegações do presidente de que seu filho foi processado seletivamente prejudicam o Estado de direito.

O advogado especial que indiciou o filho do presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, acusou o presidente cessante de minar o sistema judiciário ao alegar que a acusação foi seletiva e injusta.

No seu relatório final sobre o caso, divulgado na segunda-feira, o procurador especial David Weiss disse que a alegação do presidente de que o seu filho tinha sido escolhido para ser processado era “gratuita e errada”.

“Outros presidentes perdoaram familiares, mas, ao fazê-lo, nenhum aproveitou a ocasião como uma oportunidade para difamar os funcionários públicos do Departamento de Justiça com base apenas em falsas acusações”, disse Weiss no relatório de 280 páginas.

Weiss, que foi nomeado pelo procurador-geral Merrick Garland para investigar o jovem Biden, disse que as decisões de processar o filho do presidente foram o resultado de investigações imparciais e que questioná-las minou “os próprios alicerces do que torna o sistema de justiça da América justo e equitativo”. .

“Isso corrói a confiança do público numa instituição que é essencial para preservar o Estado de direito”, disse Weiss.

Weiss disse que os processos, longe de serem seletivos, eram a “corporificação da aplicação igualitária da justiça – não importa quem você é, ou qual é o seu sobrenome, você está sujeito às mesmas leis que todas as outras pessoas nos Estados Unidos”. .

De acordo com os regulamentos do Departamento de Justiça, os conselheiros especiais apresentam um relatório final no final da investigação.

O Biden mais velho concedeu perdão a seu filho por porte de arma de fogo e condenações fiscais no mês passado, depois de ter prometido anteriormente não usar sua autoridade presidencial para intervir.

O presidente disse que qualquer pessoa razoável que analisasse os factos dos casos concluiria que o seu filho tinha sido processado “seletiva e injustamente” devido ao seu nome de família.

“Tem havido um esforço para quebrar Hunter – que está sóbrio há cinco anos e meio, mesmo diante de ataques implacáveis ​​e processos seletivos”, disse Biden na época.

Hunter Biden foi considerado culpado em junho de acusações de porte de arma relacionadas a mentir sobre seu uso de drogas em um formulário de verificação de antecedentes. Em setembro, Biden se declarou culpado de sonegar US$ 1,4 milhão em impostos em um caso separado.

Ele aguardava a sentença nos dois casos quando seu pai anunciou o perdão.

O advogado de Hunter Biden criticou o relatório de Weiss, dizendo que o procurador especial não conseguiu explicar por que os promotores “perseguiram conspirações selvagens – e desmascaradas”” sobre o filho do presidente.

“O que fica claro neste relatório é que a investigação sobre Hunter Biden é uma história de advertência sobre o abuso do poder do Ministério Público”, disse Abbe Lowell em comunicado.

Leia Mais: Aljazeera

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os ventos estão mais fortes e ameaçam reiniciar incêndios



os ventos estão mais fortes e ameaçam reiniciar incêndios

Atualização sobre a situação, terça-feira, 14 de janeiro pela manhã (21h10 de segunda-feira, Los Angeles)

Quase uma semana depois que suas colinas começaram a queimar, Los Angeles está vendo um aumento nos ventos quentes e secos que poderiam ter “uma força próxima à de um furacão”disse a prefeita da cidade, Karen Bass.

“Estas condições extremas e perigosas não só complicam enormemente a luta contra os incêndios em curso, mas também tornarão a ocorrência de novos incêndios muito mais provável”alertam os serviços meteorológicos americanos que alertam que as rajadas, que já atingem os 120 km/h em algumas zonas, vão durar pelo menos até quarta-feira.

Caminhões-pipa adicionais e dezenas de bombeiros chegaram à área de Los Angeles na segunda-feira para combater as condições. “Estamos absolutamente melhor preparados”, O chefe dos bombeiros do condado de Los Angeles, Anthony Marrone, disse quando questionado sobre o que seria diferente da primeira semana.

🔸De acordo com Fogo Calo Fogo das Paliçadas, que se estende desde o leste de Malibu (📍) em Pacific Palisades (📍), o maior dos incêndios, que queimou 96 km2está contido em 14%. Agora ameaça o densamente povoado Vale de San Fernando.

🔸L’Fogo Eaton, perto de Altadena (📍), que queimou 57 km2está 33% contido.

🔸O Ferir Fogo, ao norte de São Fernando (📍), que queimou 3 km2está 97% contido.

🔸O Kenneth Fogoao norte do Fogo Palisades, perto de Calabasas (📍), que queimou 4,25 km2está 100% contido. Todos os alertas de evacuação foram suspensos para este incêndio.

  • O número de mortos de 24 anunciado domingo pelas autoridades locais não mudou, enquanto nos bairros devastados, equipes de resgate auxiliadas por cães continuam inspecionando os escombros em busca de corpos.
  • Dezenas de milhares de pessoas ainda estão sob ordens de evacuação. Qualquer retorno de evacuados foi interrompido até quinta-feira por causa do vento que ganhava força, alertaram os bombeiros.
  • O presidente americano, Joe Biden, estimou que “Custará dezenas de bilhões de dólares para restaurar Los Angeles ao estado que era”. Mais de 12 mil casas, edifícios e veículos foram destruídos ou danificados pelos incêndios. “Continuaremos a utilizar todos os meios ao nosso dispor para combater os incêndios”Joe Biden prometeu.

Leia Mais: Le Monde

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